大约一年前,我有了第一台(也是唯一一台)Mac,发现我讨厌使OS X与Windows不同的主要功能之一。我很讨厌不得不将鼠标移到如此高的位置,只是为了在菜单栏中找到文件或编辑菜单。从那以后,我开始喜欢菜单栏,并且最近我开始尝试一些坐在那里的小应用程序,这些应用程序毫不客气地等待着我浏览或访问它们-常常是用热键。
But wait, there’s more. If you use something other than Gmail to write your emails, no prob. You can configure it to open up any number of other mail clients (mail.app, Thunderbird etc.)
It works on your regular old vanilla-flavored Gmail, of course, but it also works with Google Apps. I’ve got my personal email open almost all the time in a Firefox tab, but I’ve got GMail Notifier configured to “bing” me whenever I get a new message on my Google Apps account.
我认为我没有开始使用这个出色的小应用程序的全部功能。它是一套菜单图标,可跟踪上/下速度和内存使用情况。我已经在菜单栏中找到了八种可能中的三种,并且发现它们非常有用。 (我最初将iStats用作仪表板小部件,但“视而不见,心不在.。"我几乎从未使用过它,因为我几乎从未进入过仪表板。)
All in all, a great little program that I like to glance up at several times a day. The CPU menu is great to figure out just why you’re getting beach balls all the time. I’ve solved several little CPU hog problems with this. The upload/download monitor is great to remind you that “Oh yeah, I’ve still got that legal file downloading. I wonder how it’s doing.”
(3)Weatherbug Lite
This is a simple little app that does one thing really well. It shows the current temperature in your area (or any area you choose.) Most of the time, that’s all it will do. It will sit there and tell you how balmy or frigid it is outside. And, if you’re outside the US, it understands Celsius just fine, thank you very much. You can also configure it to warn you about weather alerts for your region, so you’ll be aware of that impending blizzard or hurricane before your friends know what hit them.
4。 Delibar
Delibar可让您直接访问美味的书签。书签是按标签排序的,有时可能会有些让人不知所措,尤其是如果您像我一样是塔塔哥拉式的。不过,通常,您只希望查看已标记的最后几个书签之一,因此很方便。您已添加书签的最后15个网站可以从列表顶部轻松访问。我唯一想看到的额外功能是实时搜索框,类似于Spotlight和Monocle,但严格用于书签。 (您在听Delibar的人吗?)
5。 Monocle