“ Alexa,打开灯。"
“ Alexa,新闻发布会。"
“ Alexa,工作时间。"
Routines can be customized with keywords, and they can be configured on a schedule. If you’ve got the right equipment, you could have your news flash briefing, along with the blinds opening themselves. Or what about turning your coffee machine on with a smart plug—all controlled by Alexa!
Start by choosing When this happens. This is where you’ll configure what particular action will trigger your scene. On the next page, choose how you want your routine to be triggered: either when you say a phrase or at a certain time.
选择动作后,请按底部的添加按钮。现在,您可以添加其他操作,或者如果完成,则在底部选择 Create 。
5个很棒的Amazon Alexa例程
This is a simple one. Just like a radio alarm clock, get your daily news briefing from Alexa. Configure your routine to run on a schedule—perhaps 7am on weekdays. Add a new action and choose the news option.
This one involves a bit of forward planning, but why not have Alexa say happy birthday to you or a family member? Configure your routine on a schedule (although you’re limited to one week in advance).
要执行此操作,请选择 Alexa说,然后选择生日。在这里,您可以从一系列问候中选择,从简单的“生日快乐"到更复杂的消息。
While Alexa supports smart lighting, voice control can sometimes be troublesome. Ask Alexa to turn on the lights, and you might be greeted with darkness, while that sarcastic, robotic voice cheerily replies “I found several lights, which one do you mean”. With this routine, you can easily configure Alexa to control lights, without needing to be so specific in your request.
For this routine, how about a nice greeting when you get home from work? Configure a schedule for the time you usually arrive home—Alexa doesn’t support triggering from your location or based on sensor input, unfortunately.
For this final routine, let’s get a traffic update. Create a new routine, and either configure a schedule, or a voice activation.
For the action, select Traffic and then Add. That’s all there is to it on the routine side, but we’re not done just yet. In order for this to work correctly, you’ll need to configure your commute. This lets Alexa know where you’ll be driving to and from, and even lets you add stops along the way!
从导航抽屉或右下角的设置齿轮中选择设置。向下滚动到 Traffic ,然后在to / from字段中按 Add address 输入通勤详细信息。
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图片来源:Lenets_Tatsiana / Depositphotos
标签: Alexa Amazon Echo 家庭自动化