上世纪(2000-2010)是您的十年,Mac竞争,iPod和iTunes改变了我们的音乐购买方式,iPhone和iPad进入了一个新时代。移动设备占主导地位。然后史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)于2011年去世,此后情况一直有些平淡。曾经强大的苹果公司您达到顶峰了吗?还是您迄今为止会取得无数成功?
有些人觉得苹果公司将从这里走下坡路,而其他人则认为蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook),乔尼·伊夫(Jony Ive),菲尔·席勒(Phil Schiller)和他的公司将再创新高。其他人仍然认为这个问题太可笑了,他们认为,尽管失去了乔布斯,而且他给公司带来了难以置信的优势,但苹果仍处于权力的顶峰。
最近,苹果公司的创新似乎受到了挫败,iOS 7令许多人失望人们与Android和Windows Phone相似。除了传闻中的智能手表之外,苹果还提供什么新产品(如果有的话)?
我们得到了Rudi Niemand,Dragonmouth,还有乔恩·格林(Jon Green),仅举几例。 本周评论献给Humza Aamir,他以及对自己的尊重以及希望大家阅读此书的人都收到了一件T恤,以表彰他的见识:
Although many innovative ideas are associated and credited to Apple, it’s more than often that someone has probably done it before. Walkman before the iPod, the Windows Tablet before the iPad but few devices have caused such a stir as the iPhone did when it was launched back a few years ago and all the smartphone hype these days, the huge slice of the market, cash and customers which rivals like Samsung, HTC and Sony etc seem to enjoy, all owe it to the iPhone, particularly the iPhone 4.
It seems Steve Jobs really did play a critical role in all of Apple’s processes and products. I don’t think we have come across a truly revolutionary product in terms of design or innovation from Apple after Steve’s departure. The tech giant is only stretching those ideas and when it did try on it’s own, they gave us the Mac Pro which due to it’s absurd shape, won’t be winning any design awards soon. If the memory’s not mistaken, the guy who came up on the stage during WWDC while revealing this product did say ‘Can’t innovate anymore, my ass’ and what came up next on the screen was anything but.
To be honest, what Apple really can’t do these days, is fill it’s own shoes. They do have beautiful products on offer ranging from desktops to laptops to smartphones to tablets but the day is not far away that the trademark design becomes long in the tooth and since the competition has caught up so fiercely, it may come sooner than expected.
But Apple’s not the one to blame is it? It’s in the human nature that once it’s elevated to a certain height of innovation, beauty and the perfect blend of form with function, it only expects more and more in the next iteration. It’s the way tech works, we can’t go back and we can’t even stay where we are for more than a few months. Even the Galaxy S4 from Samsung is suffering from this and the sale figures suggest an inevitable downhill as well.
And are Apple’s best days behind it? Looking at their recent efforts with iOS 7 and other products from the WWDC, they certainly have ‘improved’ themselves and ‘kept on’ with the times. But as the firm’s best days were defined by the array of jaw-dropping gadgets and revolutionary ideas and not mere ‘improvements’, it’s just demoted itself from the tech throne and is no more leading the competition but is only a part of it, just like everyone else out there.
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