按照Windows的方式配置共享,然后为每个共享配置权限可能不是您所看到的最快,最简单的方法。您可以使用Easy Share更好,更轻松地完成此操作。
与大多数Codeplex下载一样,在下载应用程序之前会弹出许可协议。如果选择接受该协议,请仔细阅读,然后便可以下载Easy Share。下载相对较小(不到1MB)。下载完成后,安装该应用程序,您应该一切顺利。可能出现的唯一困难可能是由于计算机上的.NET框架不可用,这是安装和运行Easy Share所必需的。
The application presents two sections “Share details” and “Permissions“. The former lets you configure the folder and sharing details on the network, whereas the latter can be used to configure who has access to the shared folder on the network. Let’s just share a sample folder and see how easy the entire process is.
联系人管理和简易权限真正使Easy Share值得安装,并且绕过Windows共享和安全性配置。您只需使用用户名即可轻松添加要与之共享文件和文件夹的联系人。
Easy Share is a nice little utility that makes sharing files and folders on the domain a whole lot easier and faster. Once you have your contacts configured, you can easily share folders in a snap with just a few clicks. If your computer is a member of a domain then Easy Share is a useful little application to have.