您可以将Easystroke PPA添加到软件源,然后使用 apt 强>。现在,只需发出“ sudo apt-get install easystroke ",其余的工作将为您完成。安装后,您可以在应用程序>通用访问下找到Easystroke。 启动它,让我们看看它能做什么。
Next up, you need to create gestures and configure them to run custom commands. Go to the “Actions” tab, click on Add Action, provide your gesture with a name, click on type. You can then choose from amongst the different actions that you can perform with the gesture. You can run a command, send a keystroke, scroll a page and more. Then provide the detail for the type you chose. Click on “Record Stroke” and using the keys and mouse button you created above draw the stroke on the screen. That’s it you are done. The next time you draw a similar stroke again with Easystroke running the configured action will be executed automatically.
Mouse gestures can be configured to launch your favorite applications, send in some text, click a button to create a totally automated experience. Add to this the fact that you can run custom scripts via the command line and you have a truly indispensable tool at your hands.