
Today let’s venture into the wild a bit and see how to set up an FTP site for yourself, which is just another way of saying that the configured computer will be able to serve files to other people who possess the valid credentials.


  • 如果您要共享一些文件并允许其他人能够读取它们或读取/写入它们。
  • 如果要远程访问某些文件。
  • 如果要配置需要FTP访问权限的Web服务器来创建和修改文件。
  • 简而言之,它使您可以从远程位置访问文件,同时为您提供更大的功能并控制谁可以访问文件以及具有哪些权限。

    现在让我们迅速进入业务领域事情,并从一些配置开始。请注意,我在Windows 7上使用IIS 7,这些步骤也将适用于Windows的早期版本,并且偶尔会在这里和那里进行明显的更改。

    步骤1 :首先关闭,打开控制面板,然后打开程序,然后单击“ 打开或关闭Windows功能"

    步骤2 :我们需要启用(在其他Windows版本中安装) Internet信息服务,并在详细信息视图中选中 FTP服务器。单击确定,Windows将完成其余的工作。如果您使用的是Windows的旧版本,则可能需要插入Windows光盘。<​​

    步骤3: IIS FTP服务器已启用,我们需要调整一些设置,因此继续打开控制面板>系统和安全性>管理工具> IIS管理器。


    Step 5: Click Next and you can now configure the IP Address and SSL settings according to your needs. If you have a static IP, put it in here, otherwise leave it as it is. Again if you want to enable SSL, it can be done from here on in.

    步骤6:此步骤涉及设置“ 身份验证和授权"。您可以选择允许匿名FTP (这意味着任何人都可以访问文件),也可以选择将访问权限授予选定的用户或用户组。接下来,选择将对这些用户可用的权限,然后单击完成

    At this point, you have successfully learned how to set up an FTP site. You should now be able to connect to your newly created FTP site using your favorite FTP client. To connect, users would need to point their FTP clients to a hostname or IP address. Depending upon how you configured the site above and whether you have a static IP or not, you can provide them with a static IP or hostname if you have one (that is the easiest). Folks with a dynamic IP address can look into dyndns , which would give you a hostname that would resolve to the current IP address of your FTP site.




    图片来源:Eric Kilby

    标签: 计算机网络 FTP 远程访问