
The iPad is already selling like hot cakes and chances are you’ve got hold of one too. If you have then you don’t need to read further. But if you are like me, a website owner who just wants to see what your website looks like on an iPad, and trying to figure out a way other than buying one, then iPad Peek is the answer. It’s a simple site that emulates the iPad interface and shows how the site will look on it.


该工具并不完美。 Flash可以使用它,但不能使用。要获得接近完美的体验,您必须关闭浏览器中的Flash插件,并将其用户代理字符串更改为Apple iPad的用户代理字符串。


  • 简单的工具可以
  • 同时提供横向和纵向模式。
  • 您需要手动禁用Flash。
  • 更改浏览器用户如果您想要近乎完美的体验,建议使用代理字符串。
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