乐高与卢卡斯影业(Lucasfilm)的联结可能是这一决定最著名,最知名的结果;这个概念将“星球大战"玩具与1980年代和1990年代的LEGO Space品牌融合在一起。
One of several Star Wars figure kits, this LEGO Darth Vader Building Kit features arm-swinging function and the famous red lightsaber. Standing at over 12 inches (32 cm) tall, this figure is constructed from 168 pieces of LEGO. The removable mask reveals the scarred, dying face of Anakin Skywalker. But while this is an achievable build, the end result may disappoint.
而不是原始达斯·维达的沉闷威胁,像许多维达玩具一样,这种模型体积更大,并且更加肌肉发达。除此之外,这是一个很棒的选择,任何星球大战迷都不应该没有。该系列的其他版本包括Boba Fett,General Grievous和Chewbacca。
Slave 1首次出现在《帝国反击战》(The Empire Strikes Back,1980)中,其灵感来自路灯的形状。由传奇的赏金猎人波巴·费特(Boba Fett)驾驶,他用它来追踪从霍斯(Hoth)到贝斯平(Bespin)的千年猎鹰。他的目的是追踪并捕获走私者,是反叛的叛乱英雄汉·索罗。
In this set, you’ll find figures of Fett, a Bespin Guard, a Stormtrooper, and two Han Solos. One is the regular minifigure, while the second is Han Solo frozen in carbonite. Like the original Kenner toy, the ship features a pivoting pilot seat, to accommodate the correct direction of flight.
“奴隶1"高7英寸,长17英寸,宽14英寸,包含重1,996件! p>
2019 marks two decades of Star Wars-flavored brick building. To celebrate, LEGO has released a range of 20th anniversary kits, including the LEGO Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Snowspeeder. Each 20th anniversary set features a bonus figure, along with an anniversary plinth to display it on.
The craft features laser cannons, spring-loaded shooters, a stud shooter, and a harpoon for taking down AT-AT walkers! You’ll also find a gun tower in the 309-piece kit. Three figures are included: Luke Skywalker (with lightsaber), Dak Ralter in pilot outfits, and a rebel trooper.
该坦克具有903件,具有两个侧盖和一个后门,可通往内部。您还会发现驾驶员的座舱。其中包括四个角色和两个战斗机器人:Luminara Unduli,Quinlan Vos,克隆指挥官Gree和Elite Corps克隆士兵。
These figures can be placed inside the tank or positioned on the flaps or on the turret. The set also includes a mini AT-RT Walker, and the tank can fire missiles!
The LEGO Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Anakin’s Podracer is another 20th anniversary re-release set. Featuring minifigures of Anakin and Padme Amidala, there’s also a 20th anniversary Luke Skywalker, complete with lightsaber and plinth.
虽然前传三部曲受到了很多批评(通常是有道理的),但在所有九部电影中都有一个场景引人注目。 Qui-Gon Jinn和Obi-Wan Kenobi与单音节达斯·莫尔(Darth Maul)的史诗般的光剑战斗场面非常棒!
So, it makes sense that the scene should be reproduced in LEGO, complete with field gates and a minifigure catapult. Comprising 208 bricks, the LEGO Star Wars Duel on Naboo kit features the three principal characters, complete with lightsabers.
Featuring in Solo: A Star Wars Story, this version of the LEGO Star Wars Solo: A Star Wars Story Millennium Falcon includes Han Solo and Chewbacca. You’ll also find Qi’ra, Lando Calrissian, and Quay Tolsite minifigures within. This kit is an impressive 1,414 pieces.
最终的建造物长18英寸,宽11英寸,高4英寸。就像更大,更昂贵的千禧猎鹰(Millennium Falcon)版本一样,您会发现翻盖打开可以进入内部。还有一个开放式驾驶舱供您选择飞行员和可分离的辅助舰。
但是,如果您更喜欢Han Solo舰船的传统方式,那么乐高星球大战:天行者千年猎鹰的崛起可能激起您的兴趣。
Look for rotating top and bottom gun turrets, spring-loaded shooters, and a lowering ramp. The kit features seven minifigures: Finn, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, C-3PO and Boolio, plus D-O and BB-8. This impressive craft is built from 1,351 bricks and measures 17 inches wide, 12 inches long, and five inches high.
《乐高星球大战:天行者抵抗的崛起》 Y翼星际战斗机是一款了不起的炸弹,它带有四个襟翼,可露出船的内部,并为驾驶舱提供可移动的顶篷。 ,经典Y型机翼的导弹发射重新设计,出现在2019年电影《天行者的崛起》中。该工具包包括Poe Dameron,Zorii Bliss和“一阶"雪地士兵。
该船还配备了D-O和astromech机器人。看过《天行者的崛起》电影后,您可以建造这艘飞船并重新制作电影中的关键场景。 Y型机翼拥有弹簧式射手,长16英寸,宽7英寸,使用578件。
此《乐高星球大战:原力觉醒豪华版》游戏具有一些以前独有的角色包。这些角色包括《前传三部曲》,《星球大战:叛逆者》和出色的Freemaker Adventures LEGO动画系列中的角色。可以在大多数主要游戏机上使用该游戏,包括Playstation 4和Xbox One。
如果您曾经玩过LEGO Star Wars游戏,那么您会知道会发生什么-收集和解谜解决。所有这些都紧密地结合到电影的情节中,并结合了许多幽默的场景。整个游戏中都可以找到各种复活节彩蛋,以增加娱乐性。