能够锁定孩子的Android设备,有效消除所有这些问题。我推荐的一款应用是Telelogos的 LOCKiosk Pro –(8美元)。他们也提供免费版本,但我可以肯定地说Pro应用程序的8美元值得。这两个版本均具有完整的功能,但免费版本仅允许您以锁定模式访问两个应用程序。
让我们看看如何为您的孩子设置LOCKiosk –或其他任何人。每个设备之间的某些差异可能会有所不同-本教程是使用Samsung Galaxy S3手机编写的。
To cover the blatantly obvious, you will need an Android device, a Google account, and an Internet connection. Something interesting to note is that the Google account that you use to download and install the app does NOT have to be the same Google account that the Android normally uses. What this means is that you can use your account to set it up, even if the phone is for your kids. Then once the app is installed and configured, you can switch the phone back to their Google account so they can use their Google e-mail and other services. You will also need to have all the apps that you want your kids to have access to, already installed on the phone.
If you have all of that, then the first thing to do is to install the LOCKiosk app on your Android device. Head on over to Google Play and do that [No Longer Available]. Once the app is downloaded and installed, come back here and we’ll configure the app to work for you and your kids.
第一次运行LOCKiosk是在您执行初始配置时。它会告诉您LOCKiosk已被激活,然后要求您选择LOCKiosk Pro作为默认的欢迎页面。根据您的手机,这里可能有一些选择。选择 LOCKiosk ,然后单击始终。
在这里,您可以使用应用程序 ,页面,标题,背景图片和管理员密码。现在,让我们集中在“应用程序管理"菜单上。点击该菜单项。
在应用程序管理菜单上,最底部有一个按钮,显示为添加 [ 应用。点击该按钮,将出现出现的窗口。此窗口将为您提供手机上安装的所有应用程序的滚动列表。在这里,您可以选择想要让孩子们使用的应用程序。
添加应用程序是最耗时的部分。不过,一旦完成,您就可以放心了,因为您的孩子不会在使用Android设备时遇到麻烦。以使用GMail为例。您可以允许您的孩子使用GMail,而LOCKiosk Pro将阻止他们跟踪链接到网络的其余部分。在此示例中,有一封电子邮件,其中包含指向YouTube视频的链接。如果您的孩子单击链接,他们将收到一条消息,禁止访问应用程序窗口。,以及其他一些系统信息。
由于它是孩子们的Android设备,为什么不对其进行一些自定义并使其更友好呢?您可以将信息亭标题设置为孩子的名字。如果您有几个孩子并且他们在其他方面具有相同的设备,这将特别有用。能够看到它并说出它是 Caleb的电话,可能有助于防止其兄弟姐妹使用它。
When choosing a password, make it something that your kids won’t guess. There isn’t really a need to use complex passwords with special characters or a mix of letters and numbers, uppercase and lowercase. If you want to do that, fine, but it needs to be something that you will remember (or at least enter into a password manager such as KeePass . The only way out of the kiosk mode if you can’t remember your password is to wipe the phone completely and set it back to factory defaults. If you have more than one child, it is recommended to use a different password for each one. That way if one of them figures their password out and gives it to the other kids, it simply won’t work. Then one of them will probably come and tell you that the other has the password because they’ll be jealous. Parents, you know what I mean!
孩子们通常不打算做坏事或在计算机上愚蠢的事情,但是它确实发生了。我们都会犯错。使用象LOCKiosk Pro这样的自助服务终端风格的应用程序可以帮助您缩小选择范围,以帮助他们在Android设备上做出好的选择。它很便宜-您只需支付一次即可在多种设备上使用。很简单–本教程说明了这一点。