使用Windows 7防火墙控制更好地管理Windows防火墙

However, having a firewall on your computer is one thing, using it to its fullest is quite another. You need to configure rules, allow certain applications and deny others. You might also want to forward some ports so that you can use the computer to serve a website or files.

Windows附带了Windows防火墙,这很不错,在大多数情况下都可以完成任务,但是界面对于初学者来说不是很直观。 Windows 7防火墙控制试图对此进行更改,并使Windows防火墙的配置和管理更加容易。

尽管该名称暗示Windows 7,但该软件也可以在Windows Vista上运行。仅2MB的容量和便携式版本的选择,绝对值得一试。该软件没有安装任何自己的驱动程序来过滤网络流量。取而代之的是,它使用Windows筛选平台(或Windows防火墙)来实现其目标。

您可能会问,如果使用的只是Windows防火墙并且没有任何功能,为什么有人可能需要Windows 7防火墙控制可能有用的花哨缩写或先进技术。答案是因为它使管理防火墙规则和区域变得非常容易,以至于配置非常容易,因此您可以通过微调满足您要求的规则来充分利用Windows防火墙。

此外,您还可以如果您需要监视或过滤流量并管理哪些软件可以与外界建立联系,则首先不需要任何第三方防火墙软件。另一方面,如果您所需要保护的计算机不受黑客攻击,而不是让我警告您,那么防火墙就不够安全了,但是在那种情况下,安装完善的防火墙软件更有意义。 p>

无论如何,现在该看看Windows 7防火墙控制的某些功能。首次运行该软件时,会出现两个对话框,询问您是否要允许特定的网络连接。根据弹出的内容,您可以批准或拒绝连接,从而为当前会话创建规则或永久创建规则。

As you move along and approve or deny network connections you can view them in Windows 7 Firewall Control’s user interface accessible via the system tray. The interface looks a lot like the ever so familiar Windows Task Manager. The Programs tab lists the programs on which the rules have been configured for. If any application that is not listed here tries to set up a network connection you will receive a notification asking you if you want to allow or disallow the connection.

The last column in the Programs tab mentions the Zone which is assigned to the program. There is a list of pre-configured zones in the Zones tab and you can create your own if required. A Zone basically groups a set of rules that will be applied to all the programs that are configured to work with a particular Zone.

Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer for example can be configured to run in the WebBrowserZone, making them inherit a set of common rules that you might want to apply to all the web browsers.

In addition to this, Windows 7 Firewall Control allows you to forward ports easily and also syncs these settings with any external router you might be using. The software also displays network activity statistics for all the programs listed under the Program tab. If configuring rules and zones each time an application tries to use the network is too much for you, you can also configure a default zone and tell Firewall Control to disable the popup and put all newly detected applications in the default zone.

Overall, Windows 7 Firewall Control is an excellent piece of software that makes using the existing Windows Firewall features a whole lot easier. Have it running and in a day or two, chances are that you will be having well configured rules and making full use of the Windows Firewall.

您使用多少Windows防火墙?您认为Windows 7防火墙控制可以帮助您更好地使用它吗?
