

我们之所以知道这一点,是因为Streaming Observer掌握了这些数字。 2014年,Reddit用户计算了Netflix上IMDb Top 250列表中有多少部电影。那时有49个(或19.6%)可用。现在,在2016年10月,只有31个(或12.4%)可用。无论您以哪种方式观看,这都是一个很大的下降。

但是,这里有一些警告。首先,并不是每个人都会同意IMDb前250名名单代表有史以来最伟大的电影。其次,电影只是Netflix难题的一部分,即使您没有看过一部电影,仍然可以从流媒体服务中获得大量价值。第三,Netflix故意减少了目录的规模,以资助原创节目。这意味着陌生人事物纸牌屋橙色是新黑人 Narcos 等。


The merits of Netflix are certainly open to debate. We have previously suggested you should be happy to pay more for Netflix . We are, of course, merely trying to help you make your own mind up, but these new figures may confuse things even more.


Are you bothered by the reduction in truly great movies available on Netflix? Do you think these figures should be taken with a pinch of salt? Are you happy with the price of Netflix? Or do you think it should be higher/lower? Please let us know in the comments below!

标签: 媒体流 电影推荐 Netflix