


In case you’d like to try to figure out how to set this up before looking ahead, here’s what we’re trying to do. We’ll have three lights; one for “work,” one for “break,” and a warning light. The work light will stay on for 25 minutes, and the warning light will also be on for the last two minutes of that interval. After 25 minutes, the work and warning lights will turn off, and the break light will turn on for 5 minutes (the warning light will again be on for the last two minutes).




  • Arduino微控制器(我们使用了Mega,但Uno也可以正常工作)
  • 面包板
  • USB电缆
  • 6根导线
  • 3 x 330欧姆电阻器
  • 3 x LED(我们使用了绿色,黄色和蓝色)
  • 第1步:设置一切








    int green = 13;int yellow = 7;int blue = 5;int ledStateGreen = LOW;int ledStateBlue = LOW;long previousMillis = 0;long interval;int buttonPin = 2;int buttonState = 1;bool pressed = 0;long pressTime = 0;int phase = 0;void setup() { pinMode(green, OUTPUT); pinMode(yellow, OUTPUT); pinMode(blue, OUTPUT); pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); digitalWrite(buttonPin, HIGH);}void loop() { // update current time and state of buttonunsigned long currentMillis = millis();int buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);// measure time since last button presslong progress = currentMillis - previousMillis;// check to see if button has been pressed// over 2 seconds since last press// (to prevent multiple presses registering)if ((pressTime - currentMillis) > 2000){ if(buttonState == 0){   pressed = 1;   pressTime = currentMillis;} else{    pressed = 0;}}// phase 0 is "work" phase// if button has been pressed, add 2 minutes to work timerif (phase == 0){ if (pressed == 1){   interval = 1620000;}  // if interval is over, record current // time for measuring next interval  if(currentMillis - previousMillis > interval) {   previousMillis = currentMillis;  // set green and blue LED states if (ledStateGreen == LOW){   ledStateGreen = HIGH;   ledStateBlue = LOW;} else {   ledStateGreen = LOW;} // apply LED states to LEDs // reset interval and switch to "break" phase digitalWrite(green, ledStateGreen); digitalWrite(blue, ledStateBlue); interval = 1500000; buttonState = 1; phase = 1; }}else {  // if button has been pressed, add 2 minutes to break timer if (pressed == 1){ interval = 420000;}    // if interval is over, record current   // time for measuring next interval    if(currentMillis - previousMillis > interval) {     previousMillis = currentMillis;    // set blue and green LED states   if (ledStateBlue == HIGH){;     ledStateBlue = LOW; }   else {     ledStateBlue = HIGH;     ledStateGreen = LOW;} // apply LED states to LEDs // reset interval and set to "work" phase digitalWrite(green, ledStateGreen); digitalWrite(blue, ledStateBlue); interval = 300000; buttonState = 1; phase = 0; }}// calculate time left in intervalunsigned long timeLeft = (interval - progress);// if there are less than two minutes left, light up yellow LEDif (timeLeft < 120000) {  digitalWrite(yellow, HIGH); }else {  digitalWrite(yellow, LOW); }// reset pressed variable pressed = 0;}






  • 添加一系列LED指示灯,这些指示灯点亮并用作已完成工作会话数量的计数器
  • 使按钮增加2分钟每次按一下计时器
  • 添加扬声器并在需要恢复工作时发出声音
  • 使用9V电池使其可携带
  • 在LED显示屏上显示倒计时
  • 其他优秀初学者项目
