可读性是一种可用于浏览器,智能手机和平板电脑的工具,可将网页转换为更简单的格式,从而允许用户轻松阅读。用户还可以快速保存页面,以便他们稍后阅读网页。只需访问网站并将应用程序下载到浏览器,或访问应用程序商店并在iPhone,iPod Touch或iPad上下载应用程序即可。
Once you visit a website where a lot of text is involved and the cluttered layout of the webpage makes it hard for you to concentrate on the text, just click on the “Read Now” button and the webpage will convert into a very simple text only format page with the article image shown. You can change the settings to configure font color, the width of the page, the font size and the option to hide all images.