

再一次,我们还有另一种不寻常的方式来使用Reddit,这一次,它变得容易-深入了解Reddit Investigator的形式,这是一个秘密的Web应用程序,可为您提供所有Internet监听功能。因此,抓住您的双筒望远镜和记事本(也许还有急救箱),今天,我们将跳入Reddit调查员。


我我曾在Reddit上看到过多次实例,人们说他们遇到了该网站的其他用户,尽管与某人见面的机会可能比我想的要好,但这至少是似乎很少。这几乎使在线世界变得“真实" ,并且在您访问这些网站的那一刻,您意识到自己正在与真实的人打交道。话虽如此,由于我们处在社交网络时代,我相信可以肯定地认为,每个人仍然至少在某种程度上在网上跟踪他们的朋友–不要否认。


但是,可以说您刚刚遇到某人并发现他们是Redditor…。好吧,在这种假设(不太可能)的情况下,Reddit Investigator是爬上他们的好方法。


It’s fairly simple to figure out someone’s interests with Reddit Investigator. Simply plug in their username on the front page of the site, and the web app will lurk the corridors of Reddit, peeking into every hall and scouring each electronic scroll in which the searchee has written their thoughts upon. It’s interesting that it’s able to do this, and although I’ve harped about privacy before , you have to understand that this is Reddit – it’s a rare instance if anyone knows who you really are.

基本上,在Reddit Investigator结果的左侧,您会看到用户自时间开始以来评论的每个子reddit(除非不是真的) )。此外,您还将有特权找到他们提交项目的每个子reddit。


Some of you are number crunchers (for those of you that can figure out the chances of meeting another Redditor, please do). With Reddit Investigator, you jump on those crazy little things called stats that some of you crave. Here are just a few of the things you can unravel:

  • 最活跃时间时间表。
  • 链接Karma时间轴和数据。
  • 评论Karma时间轴和数据。
  • 活动时间轴。
  • 用户数据。
  • 有趣的猜测的数据(诸如位置,政治立场,声誉之类的东西)。
  • For those of you that noticed the timeline that covers the Redditor’s most active hours, I can only hope that your boss doesn’t know your username. At least you could probably figure out how to best manage your time with this web app. Always a silver lining, right?



    女士们和先生们,这几乎就是所有东西。老实说,没有什么工具可以像功能工具一样,这就是我们所拥有的。你真的无法击败。当然,我不知道您对Reddit Investigator的意图有多合法,但与此同时,我会变得愚蠢。

    除了Reddit Investigator之外,您还使用Reddit的其他哪些工具?我们推荐以下Reddit应用和扩展。

    标签: Reddit