What really happened to the news? Riptide tries to answer that with a look at the intersection of media and technology as it happened over the last three decades. The project by the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy and the Nieman Journalism Lab brings video interviews with more than 60 key figures who had a role in the way technology impacted media journalism over the years. Names like Krishna Bharat (creator of Google News), Arianna Huffington, Tim Berners-Lee, and Arthur Sulzberger Jr. (publisher of The New York Time) are just a few of the sixty names on Riptide’s roll call.
访谈由文章,可下载的文档和时间表来支持,使您对变化有所了解。这些视频本身就是一本引人入胜的手表,据该网站称,它可能占用您50小时的时间。为何Riptide值得新闻报道?它与新闻的转变有关,但更重要的是,它也与我们对信息的理解以及它对社会的意义有关。 Riptide的创建者-前时代公司(Time Inc.)主编John Huey,前《纽约时报》数字首席执行官Martin Nisenholtz和前Akamai CEO Paul Sagan说,将逐渐添加更多内容。所有人都想回答新闻业务的真正情况。