If you’re on a limited data plan, you probably want to do everything you can to limit your cellular data usage . One way to know exactly where your data is going is to keep track of how much data each app uses. Luckily this is really easy to figure out in iOS.
To find out how much data installed apps are using, go to Settings > Cellular. Here you’ll find a list of all the apps using cellular data. Underneath each app name, you should find the exact figure used by the app in alphabetical order.
能够按数据使用量重新排列列表会很好,但是您可以滚动列表并查看大部分数据的去向。 (这也可以让您更好地了解正在使用哪些应用程序。)
要了解本机Apple应用正在使用多少数据,请转到设置>蜂窝网络>系统服务。 (您将在屏幕的最底部找到它。)然后,您可以查看iMessage,Apple Maps,Siri,iTunes,Exchange帐户,语音邮件,您的主屏幕等正在使用多少数据。