

Gartner has released its latest sales figures for smartphones. And they paint a picture that will haunt anyone looking to break the duopoly currently enjoyed by Google and Apple. Those two companies have essentially killed the competition, and are fighting it out for dominance.

BlackBerry Is Dead和Windows Is Dying



应该注意的是,尽管这是双头垄断,但该双头垄断中仍然存在一定的啄食顺序。 Android占据了81.7%的市场领先地位。但是,由于其高价位和成熟的生态系统,苹果公司才是赚钱的大本营。因此,我们可能会猜测这两家公司都对自己的产品感到非常满意。


If we accept that competition is good — because it drives innovation and lowers prices — then these figures are bad news for consumers. Unfortunately, us consumers only have ourselves to blame, as we’re the people who chose Android over Windows and iOS over BlackBerry.

您最近是否购买了新的智能手机?如果是这样,它可以运行Android还是iOS?您是否打算尽快购买新的智能手机?如果是这样,它将运行Android还是iOS? BlackBerry OS死了吗?微软是否应该放弃Windows 10移动版?

图片来源:通过Flickr的Maurizio Pesce

标签: Android iOS